Being Baptist: History, Identity & Polity

Explore the roots of Baptist history, how Baptist groups relate, and the distinctive convictions of Baptist identity. A 6-week online certificate course, designed for ordination candidates, Baptist identity buffs, and pastors new to Baptist life. The first class of this NEW COHORT begins Feb 4, 2025.
Virtual open house January 15th @3pm ET on a notebook page with a pencil and books in the foreground.

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A Reflection from Our Director

About Dr. Martin Luther King on Education

Our Team

Rebecca Irwin-Diehl

Director of the ABHMS Center for Continuous Learning

Rev. Rebecca Irwin-Diehl, PhD, is founding director of the ABHMS Center for Continuous Learning. Rev. Rebecca holds a Master of Theological Studies from Palmer Theological Seminary of Eastern University, as well as a Master of Arts in Theology and the PhD in Theology from Villanova University. Her research has focused on lived spirituality, especially among those who are religiously disaffiliated or who consider themselves "spiritual but not religious." Dr. Irwin-Diehl is passionately committed, both personally and vocationally, to lifelong learning, especially when it comes to equipping other disciples with the tools they need to pursue ongoing faith formation and spiritual growth, individually and in community. In addition to her work with ABHMS, Rebecca serves as associate minister at the Second Baptist Church of Germantown, in Philadelphia, PA, where Rev. Dr. Crystal Jennings is pastor.

Jennifer Sanborn

National Coordinator for Learning Initiatives

Jennifer Sanborn, M.A. (Spirituality) and M.S. (Higher Education), leads the CCL’s offerings in faithful finance and vocational discernment, drawing on 25 years of leadership in colleges, universities, and a seminary, pastoring a local church, and launching a young adult service community. Jennifer enjoys building authentic community online and in person, and is trained as a coach for ministry contexts.

Leda Carter

Program Coordinator

Leda is excited to provide her administrative gifts, multilingual skills (Spanish and Italian), and organizational talents in support of the Center for Continuous Learning. She has a passion for knowledge and feels blessed to be part of the CCL team to provide support in their ministries of faith formation and leader training, focusing on ABHMS mission priorities.

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Support ministries of education & discipleship

ABHMS and the Center for Continuous Learning are committed to sustaining our historic ministries of faith initiation and faith formation. We do so through the generous support of lifelong learners like you! Learn more about how to support the spiritual growth of others.