Discover innovative strategies for teaching and learning

Explore diverse learning styles and preferences for processing information

Practice biblical principles of justice and inclusion for all types of learners

Theological foundations and practical insights for equipping diverse learners

Explore the challenges and opportunities for inclusive ministries of Christian education. How can we identify diverse learning styles in our classrooms or pews? How do different models allow us to equip all God's people to process the wisdom of Scripture? Learn how to translate the living Word into the transformational power of gospel ministry and missional outreach!

About the author

A legacy resource from a past publication of American Baptist Home Mission Societies' Discipleship & Christian Education Guide, written by the past Director of Discipleship Ministries and passionate educator of disciples of all ages, Rev. Cassandra "Casey" Carkuff Williams, EdD. As a scholar and a minister, Casey is passionately committed to faith formation across the lifespan for all types of learners.

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