Kathryn "Katie" Choy-Wong
Kathryn Choy-Wong is an American Baptist Churches ordained minister and co-founder of I-Relate Intercultural Leadership Institute, a non-profit educational and consulting organization dedicated to creating and providing training and tools to support the development of culturally competent leaders.
Lucia Ann McSpadden
Lucia Ann McSpadden is the co-founder and director of I- Relate and author of Meeting God at the Boundaries: Cross-cultural/Cross-racial Clergy Appointments and Meeting God at the Boundaries: A Manual for Church Leaders.
Dale Weatherspoon
Dale M. Weatherspoon, DMin., serves as Senior Pastor of the Easter Hill United Methodist Church in Richmond, CA. As a consultant and trainer, he served as a member of the I- Relate Institute, an Intercultural Leadership Institute, training pastors, lay leaders and church in working interculturally.