Detalles de la conferencia

    1. Objetivos de Aprendizaje

    2. Misión Intergeneracional - Instructora Nayeli Caballero

    3. Misión Intergeneracional - Recursos

    4. Discipulado Intergeneracional - Instructor Rev. Abner Cotto-Bonilla

    5. Discipulado Intergeneracional - Recursos

    1. Contenido virtual


  • $25.00
  • 1 hour of video content
  • Webinar replay/Contenido virtual
  • Asynchronous

Nayeli Caballero Cárdenas

Consultora de investigación y programas educativos para la comunidad latina

Nayeli Caballero Cárdenas ha dedicado más de 20 años a trabajar con niños, jóvenes y mujeres en México, Texas y Nueva York. Su principal objetivo ha sido la enseñanza-aprendizaje con enfoque en las necesidades específicas de cada generación y la importancia del compromiso intergeneracional. Trabajó en el Community Resource Center en Mamaroneck, NY, como consultora de programas educativos y de capacitación para la comunidad latina. Ha servido como presidenta del Ministerio de Mujeres y miembro del Comité de Educación Cristiana para la Asociación de Iglesias Bautistas Americanas Hispanas de Metro NY. Colaboró como consultora de investigación en American Baptist Home Mission Societies con Ministerios Latinos en el proyecto para el fortalecimiento de líderes Pastorales y congregaciones Latinas. Posee una Maestría en Ciencias y un título de Ingeniero Industrial y de Sistemas por el ITESM-CEM. Además, está cursando su segundo año de estudios en Liderazgo en la Iglesia en ICC College, TX.

Abner Cotto-Bonilla

Coordinador Nacional de Ministerios Latinos en American Baptist Home Mission Societies

The Rev. Abner Cotto-Bonilla was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico in 1984. Over the years, Cotto-Bonilla held positions as Treasurer, Vice-President and President of Youth, Bible school teacher, coordinator, and educator of the Institute of Theological Training and as Pastoral Assistant in the Baptist Church of Mamey in Gurabo, Puerto Rico. He was the Pastor of Misión Bautista Hispana de Westchester in White Plains, New York; from 2016 to 2022. He is the National Coordinator for Latino Ministries at American Baptist Home Mission Societies. The Rev. Cotto-Bonilla has been an educator at the Biblical Institute of the Theological University of the Caribbean in the Caguas region, Chaplaincy Assistant and Christian Values Teacher at CeDin (School Laboratory of the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR) and Teacher of Christian Education at the Baptist Academy of Puerto Nuevo, Puerto Rico. In his collaboration with the Baptist Churches of Puerto Rico, he was also Promoter and President of the Union of Young Baptists of P.R and member of the Executive Board of the Baptist Churches of Puerto Rico. He also was a member of the Intergenerational Think-Tank of the National Council of Churches USA; and served as the President of the National Hispanic Caucus of ABCUSA from 2017-2022. The Rev. Cotto-Bonilla received his Bachelor of Arts degree with a concentration in Pastoral Studies from the Theological University of the Caribbean in Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico. In the discernment to continue his studies at the Masters level to the United States, he arrived at Andover Newton Theological School (Newton, MA) in 2015 and then transferred to Yale Divinity School (New Haven, CT), where he finished the Master of Divinity in 2018 and a Master of Sacred Theology at Yale in 2019. He is a member of the Advisory Council of Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School.